Conservative White Law Prof Strikes Back
I've often thought to myself that if you gathered up all the white men fired for the crime of "racism", you'd have an army. And I've often lamented that these men so often simply take their punishment, sometimes whimpering apologies on the way out.
Not Lawrence Connell. Connell is a conservative white law professor at Widener University Law School (two locations: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and the mothership in Wilmington, Delaware. Connell’s in Delaware). He was accused of "racism" by Linda Ammons, the liberal black dean, for — get this — exam hypotheticals featuring crimes against her. (Trust me on this — hypotheticals involving law school faculty or loosely disguised public figures in crazy and contentious circumstances are commonplace.)
Ammons wants him fired, despite a committee’s recommendation that the "dismissal for cause" action should be withdrawn. Connell, bless his heart, is suing. [Widener Law Prof Sues Dean for Defamation, By Ashley Thorne, National Association Of Scholars, April 08, 2011]
The scuttlebutt is that Ammons is one brassy queen. Her resume is shockingly thin.
She’s a law school dean for one reason: she’s a black woman. And, consistent with a pattern I've noticed with blacks in power, she’s willing to use that power to get rid of whites, particularly conservative ones.
Not all lawsuits are a great idea. Be that as it may, I am of the belief that whites in America need to launch a full-scale litigation war in America. I want to see thousands of lawsuits. State court, federal court, EEOC complaints, you name it. Reverse discrimination, defamation, freedom of speech, denial of equal protection, right of association — there are plenty of well-established areas of law under which whites should be asserting their rights, but aren’t. What’s the holdup?