"Conservatives" For Open Borders
I hadn’t seen this, (it was published on Tuesday — these are the "Conservatives" who wanted to pass amnesty.
Conservatives: We must band together on immigration bill | Dallas Morning NewsJune 5, 2007
The choice we face on immigration isn’t between the Senate bill and perfection; it’s between the Senate bill and the unacceptable status quo.
This is the most far-reaching and thoughtful reform of our immigration system in four decades and one that will significantly enhance American competitiveness. As with any political compromise, improvements can be made. But the basic framework is one that conservatives should support. Indeed, for conservatives who opposed last year’s immigration bill, this package represents a step forward.
And more sickening excuses, along with the idea that amnesty would help gain control of the borders, that the fence would really be built, et cetera.
What’s fun with this kind of open letter is to go down the list of signers and make fun of them.
- Jack Kemp, who thinks that when George Washington said that the United States should be an asylum for the "virtuous and persecuted part of mankind," he was talking about Mexican illegals.
- Linda Chavez
- Ken Mehlman who lost his job to a guy named
- Jeb Bush, father of George P. Bush, whose mother told him " We have to fight for our race."
- Hector Barreto, chairman of The Latino Coalition, Bush administration hack, and holder of the Order Of The Aztec Eagle. [PDF]
- Max Boot, who wants to recruit an American Foreign Legion.
- Michael Gerson, "Mr. Compassionate Conservatism, " last seen attacking "nativists" in the Washington Post for their "rage" and "national chauvinism," (or patriotism, as it’s known outside the Beltway.)
- Some guy named Pancho.
Oh, and Tamar Jacoby signed it, too. That’s really reassuring.