Coordinated MSM Attempt To Blame "White Supremacy" For Massage Parlor Gunman
Earlier: The Great White Defendant: First Mass Killing By A White Man Since 2019
Aaron Long, the mass murderer who killed eight people (six Asian, one white, and one Hispanic) in Atlanta massage parlors says that he wasn’t motivated by racism, but by "Sex Addiction." What that means is that like Jeffrey Dahmer, who also had Asian victims and who also denied racism, he didn’t hate Asian women — he loved them.
The question with the headlines below is: is this a coordinated attack, based on Democratic Party talking points, or Journolist-style MSM conspiracy (the 2007 Journolist email group that helped elect Obama was not a conspiracy theory, it was a literal conspiracy) or is it just mental illness — they can’t help themselves?
In the case of the modern MSM, we should never attribute to stupidity or mental illness what can be adequately explained by malice. See my “It’s All A Damned Conspiracy” — When Black-On-White Murders Contradict The Narrative, The MSM Doesn’t Want You To Know.
I'll show you some screenshots below, but here are some things you should consider:
- Actual race realists — what the MSM usually means when they say "white supremacists" — are rarely anti-Asian.
- There has been an absolutely coordinated effort to blame recent black attacks on Asians on "white supremacy."
- When Immigrant Mass Murderer Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 (25 of them white, and only one Asian) and wounded 17 at Virginia Tech, there was equally coordinated effort not to blame Koreans, Asians, or immigrants.
- When a black man named DeWayne Craddock, an engineer employed by the city of Virginia Beach, shot 16 people in the local government building, killing 12, 9 of whom were white, a woman posted a Tweet saying "White man gets gun, shoots lots of people. Again. Again. And so many more times again.." She assumed that if the longtime city employee wasn’t white, they would have said so.
Here is what people who don’t read are seeing from the MSM: