Correction: Mississippi Dems Nominate Truck Driver For Governor — First BLACK Male On The Ballot

By James Fulford


Major correction here: Gray, pictured above is not a 100 percent white Mississippian truck driver as I had thought, but as a reader in Mississippi points out, a 90 percent white Mississippian, I. E. black, which explains why he’s running as a Democrat.

Above is Robert Gray. the Democratic nominee for Governor of Mississippi. (Thanks to the national Democratic party’s racial attitudes, and white bloc voting for the GOP, the Democratic nominee is not expected to be Governor). He won the nomination over Vicki Slater, a Nice White Lady lawyer :


And Valerie Short, a Nice Black Lady doctor:


Democratic operatives have no idea what happened. (Hat tip, The Last Refuge.)

"Does anybody know or has anybody ever seen Democratic gubernatorial nominee Robert Gray?" Marty Wiseman, a Democratic-leaning retired political scientist, said on Facebook.

Wiseman questioned how someone who made few appearances could carry most counties and win a three-person primary without a runoff: "Something ain’t right about all this."

Gray has driven a big rig since the early 1990s and said he is making his first run for office because Republican Gov. Phil Bryant is failing to help improve life in a state where poverty is a persistent problem. Gray said he wants to expand Medicaid and spend more on schools and highways. He has never worked on legislation, but he listens to a lot of public radio while he’s driving, and he uses the word "infrastructure" as casually as any policy wonk.

Candidate who didn’t even vote wins Democratic nomination, By Emily Wagster Pettus, August 5, 2015

I'd say that a regular Talk Radio Listener will probably know more about public policy than a doctor, for example. More puzzlement from political types locally:

State Democratic Party leaders and politicos on Wednesday were still trying to figure out what the !@#$ happened Tuesday night, when an unknown candidate with no financial or political backing won the party’s nomination for governor, handily dousing the assumed frontrunner.

They’re also wondering what it means for the party — already flagging as the state turns more red — in the long term and for down-ticket candidates this year in the short term.

“I’m calling every political consultant, anthropologist and witch doctor in the Southeast to help me understand what happened yesterday,” said Brandon Jones, director of the Mississippi Democratic Trust. “… Anybody who offers a clear-cut formula for yesterday is probably a little ahead of their skis right now.”

Dems wonder what happened in governor primary, by Geoff Pender, The Clarion-Ledger, August 5, 2015

For the benefit of the Mississippi Democratic brain trust, Robert Gray was the only white male on the ballot. And primaries are dominated by people who care about politics and civic responsibility. In Mississippi, that means older white people.

As I say at the top, this requires a major rethink, and it will be the today’s letter tonight. It would help if the MSM would say something about this.

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