Coyote Threatens To Cut Off Illegal Immigrant’s Fingers

By James Fulford


I don’t know if Janet Murguia would call this media malpractice — at least the headline follows the rule that victim is an immigrant, the criminal never. And in fact, John Ernest Guerrero Jr., 6'3", 350 lbs, pictured, is probably a native-born American citizen, like George Washington or Paul Revere.

Cops: Illegal immigrants held captive in Port Chester; captor threatens to cut off their fingers

By Leslie Korngold The Journal News “ March 31, 2008

PORT CHESTER — A Texas man was arraigned today after police said he transported illegal immigrants from Texas, held five of them in a Port Chester apartment and threatened to cut off their fingers with pruning shears if they didn’t ante up more money.

John Ernest Guerrero Jr., 22, of Pearland, a 6-foot 3, 350-pound man, was arrested by seven officers after the captives escaped an attic apartment in which they were being held without food, police said. Police are seeking a second and possibly a third captor. Two men from Brazil were found on Poningo Street Saturday afternoon, allegedly after escaping from the apartment in 123 Haseco Ave., a triplex Victorian-style building. They alleged they had been held there four or five days after being transported there by two men in a white Chevrolet after they crossed the Mexican border into Texas.

Police said the men -ages 30 and 50 — were uninjured despite not having eaten and having been involved in a fight with their captors that resulted in their escape. The struggle came, police said, after one captor held a small wire cutter to the pinky of one man Saturday and demanded $2,000 more than the $10,000 they had each paid to get into the United States.[More]

This is the kind of thing you expect to happen in the Rio Grande Valley — but Port Chester, NY, is in the Lower Hudson Valley. It’s now 46 percent Hispanic.

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