CPAC’s Al Cardenas: the face of Conservatism Inc
Alas, I remember driving 36 years ago (Aaargh!!! — Younger readers don’t laugh! — it will happen to you!) several hundred miles with a group of principled Conservatives to attend CPAC. Reading from Peter Brimelow what it has become is deeply saddening.
Today’s And The Same To You, Al Cardenas! CPAC Secession Movements Show The Way makes mention of
Al Cardenas the Cuban immigrant who succeeded the ethically-challenged David Keene as chairman of the American Conservative Union …
When Cardenas inherited (bought?) CPAC control in 2011 important questions were raised against him too
Al Cardenas' Push for High-Speed Rail Soils His Conservative Credentialsby Tom Tillison SunshineStateNews February 10, 2011 asserted
High-speed rail opponents here in Florida may recognize Cardenas’ name. His firm represents one of the consortiums angling to bid for the high-speed rail contract, and he does lobbying work for Associated Industries of Florida, whose president chairs the recently formed High-Speed Rail Coalition.
Republican Congresswoman Sandy Adams of District 24 referred to the rail initiative as “a misguided attempt to expand the reach of the federal government and spend limited taxpayer dollars on projects that our nation cannot afford.”
CPAC Chief Is Partner In Law Firm Defending Foreclosure Mill, Served On Board Of Fannie Maeby Zach Carter Huffington Post 05/25/11 noted
New ACU leader Al Cardenas is a partner in the law firm of Tew Cardenas LLP, which is currently defending "foreclosure king" David Stern, whose own law office is at the center of a major Florida investigation into foreclosure fraud.
Much more significantly from a VDARE.com perspective Cardenas to lead top conservative group Politico Ben Smith February 09, 2011 pointed out
Cardenas is a lobbyist, lawyer and a former head of the Florida GOP — and his support of Charlie Crist over Marco Rubio in the 2010 Senate race is a sore point with some conservatives.
(Remember when Rubio was a hero?)
Needless to say, Cardenas has been a vociferous supporter of the Amnesty/Immigration Surge. That is where the money is.
And no doubt that is why the MSM is no longer interested his ethical situation.