Craptocracy On Campaign 2008 And Dana Milbank

By Steve Sailer


Since I refuse to read about Campaign 2008 except on C. Van Carter’s Craptocracy blog, and he can go weeks without posting anything, I was kind of under the impression that they'd called this whole voting thing off due to lack of interest. But now, there are a bunch of new craptastic postings, so it appears that there will be an election this year after all. (Although Dennis Dale’s future history series on Untethered recounting the Fall of 2008 raises questions about that assumption.)

Here’s Craptocracy on Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank:

Dana Milbank is a neurotic paranoid. We know this because he wrote a bizarre essay about the genial Tom Tancredo, in which he repeatedly describes the principled and soft-spoken former presidential candidate as “angry”, without providing a single real example of Tancredo’s supposed rage …

Milbank obviously believes any opposition to illegal aliens indicates a man is angry. I don’t think Milbank cares about actual illegal aliens, because people in his position never do (if he’s ever had a conversation with one except to complain the bathroom wasn’t cleaned properly I’ll eat a sombrero). No, Milbank’s real concern isn’t illegal aliens at all, it’s preventing Nazi’s from taking little Dana Milbank and putting him in a concentration camp. In the diseased mind of Dana Milbank the only way to prevent a Fourth Reich from erupting on American soil is to flood the United States with non-whites. Because Milbank is gripped by this strange fantasy it causes him to lash out at a gentleman like Tom Tancredo. I hope the mentally unbalanced Milbank gets help. Until he does the Washington Post should refrain from publishing his ravings.

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