Crime Victim Mother Gets It

By Brenda Walker


Shooting victim Deputy David March Barbara March, the mother of slain sheriff’s

Deputy David March spoke out of the occasion of the killer’s sentencing.

POMONA — Shortly after her son’s killer pleaded guilty Friday to his cold-blooded murder, the mother of sheriff’s Deputy David March denounced the U.S. government’s failure to control the nation’s borders.

"It’s my belief that it’s our government and the activities that are going on at our borders that were the real killers of Dave, allowing illegal immigration, chaos, lawlessness to thrive in our wonderful country," Barbara March said outside the courtroom.

"And I think our politicians in Washington should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this country to come to a situation where these killers are able to come in and ruin the lives of Americans.

"And it’s happening every day … The real people that were accountable for this crime live in the White House. And I’m really sorry to say that." [Mother: border policy to blame for son’s death, Los Angeles Daily News 3/02/07]

The March family and their supporters have fought since the murder in 2002 to get justice in the case. A very frustrating aspect was the years-long refusal of Mexico to extradite the killer Armando Garcia, which was finally resolved.

Even so, the unavoidable fact remains that Washington has empowered criminal aliens to run amok in America, with a terrible cost to innocent citizens, like the March family.

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