
Crooked Black Congresswoman Corrine Brown Gets Five Years In Jail — Claims Racism Because Of Course She Does

By James Fulford


Mark Tapscott writes at Instapundit:

CHARITY FRAUD NETS EX-CONGRESSWOMAN FIVE YEARS IN PRISON: Former Rep. Corrine Brown, D-FL, was sentenced earlier today to five years in prison for what her judge described as “a crime born out of entitlement and greed.” Specifically, Brown raised an estimated $800,000 for a sham charity, according to the Tallahassee Democrat. She was convicted earlier this year on 18 of 22 charges that included tax fraud and lying on her congressional spending reports. She represented a Jacksonville district for 25 years. By comparison, the Clinton Foundation charity run by Bill and Hillary Clinton since 1997 raised more than $233 million in 2016 alone.

It’s important to note when this happens that we're talking about a black Democrat — it’s not just the Democratic "culture of corruption", it’s the fact that, as Rutgers political scientist Ross K. Baker wrote in USA Today in 2009 that “The challenge of dealing with minority officials who run afoul of the law is a pre-eminently Democratic problem.” [The Burris problem, USA Today, February 25, 2009]

Michelle Malkin covered Corrine Brown (and several other minority officials) in a July, 2016 column called Congressional Black Corruption:

If Black Lives Matter, then why have entrenched members of the Congressional Black Caucus spent more time enriching themselves than taking care of their neglected constituents? Too many social justice protesters are busy throwing shade, rocks, bottles, concrete blocks and vicious death threats at police officers of all colors trying to keep the peace.

Instead of moaning about “#WhitePrivilege,” I invite radical racial identity warriors to join me in taking on the black political elites selling out their people. Help expose the most crooked members of the caucus of Congressional Black Corruption:

Corrine Brown: (above) This 12-term Democrat from Florida received a 24-count federal indictment last week while her Congressional Black Caucus colleagues tried to drown out the news with diversionary gun-control theatrics. Brown and her chief of staff are charged with creating a fraudulent education charity to collect over $800,000 in donations from major corporations and philanthropies for their own private slush fund between 2012 and early 2016.

The director of the hoax group, dubbed One Door for Education, Inc., pleaded guilty last year to fraud and conspiracy. Prosecutors say two relatives of Brown and her chief of staff steered tens of thousands of dollars in cash deposits to their accounts. The charitable contributions paid for lavish galas, NFL tickets, concert luxury box seats, golf tournaments and apparently Brown’s tax bills.

Despite raising nearly a million bucks, Brown’s “charity” only issued two measly educational scholarships for minority students. So while shamelessly claiming this week to be a martyr akin to the murdered Dallas police officers and victims of the Orlando jihad, Brown is embroiled in a sordid scandal that exploited black children’s lives to line her own pockets.

You can’t blame righty or whitey this time, Crooked Corrine. [More]

This would be a bigger challenge for the Democrats, of course, if the media were willing to report it. You will never see a headline that says “Black Congressman Arrested For Bribery.” The only time I saw a headline that read “Black Charged With Fraud,” it was Conrad Black, and as far as I know, he wasn’t even guilty.

So when is Ms. Brown’s race going to be mentioned? When she mentions it herself to claim racism, of course!

Florida Pol tics reports what Brown’s lawyer said in her sentencing memo:

The feds want prison for at least seven years, but Brown’s attorney says that would be “warehousing” Brown, stopping her from doing “what she does best” — “helping people.”

Cynics may scoff at that given that Brown was convicted of benefiting over the course of four calendar years from collecting donations for a charity to help poor children but traveling and shopping off the money.

“Restorative justice,” writes Brown’s attorney, would allow the city to make use of Brown’s “talents.”

The memo justifies Brown’s attacks on the FBI for investigating her instead of stopping the PULSE killings against the backdrop of “smear campaigns” against Martin Luther King and Malcolm X “and every other leader of the civil rights movement,”

“This reflexive fear of the FBI is like muscle memory,” Brown’s attorney asserts.

As well, “racism” has imposed its own sentence on Brown via media coverage and comment threads.

“Coverage of Corrine Brown in the local news has been particularly harsh, with many news outlets reverting to racially charged headlines and reporting,” the memo asserts. “Just a cursory look at the public comments sections on news websites reveals just how many racists still take every opportunity to insult her and other prominent African American politicians.”

Note to Corrine Brown: NEVER read the comments.

‘Restorative justice’, probation: Corrine Brown’s sentencing goal,

by A. C. Gancarski, November 11, 2017

It would be amazing if, in the case of a black Congresswoman who was a member of the Black Caucus and who stolen money from black charity meant to benefit black children if their wasn’t something in the way of "racially charged headlines and reporting", but really, apart from people like us (send us money!) it’s mostly in the comment sections.

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