Cultural Assimilation Of Immigrants? Pfui!
By Paul Nachman
Immigrants' List [IL], the country’s "only pro-immigration political action committee," was founded by six immigration lawyers in the fall of 2006, after the mass-amnesty-and-immigration-acceleration bill passed by the Senate that May foundered, without even a hearing, in the House. (As Lawrence Auster has written, the House Republicans "stood like a stone wall against the worst bill in American history," but then this crew of shrinking violets failed to campaign on their virtuous stand and proceeded to get slaughtered in the November, 2006 elections.)IL’s executive director Amy Novick sent out an email alert today (November 18, 2010) heralding IL’s updated "Hall of Shamers" — who are, of course, the leading patriotic immigration reformers in the upcoming 112th Congress. Novick’s email mentioned just Lamar Smith (R-TX), who will head the House Judiciary Committee come January, and Steve King (R-IA), who will chair the Immigration Subcommittee of Smith’s full committee.
What’s most interesting is Novick’s brief indictment of Congressman King:
Hall of Shamer and cultural assimilationist Steve King will now chair the House Immigration Subcommittee. That means that he will have the first say on whether any immigration bill moves forward.
So "cultural assimilationist" is now an epithet! Who knew? Well, most readers and contributors have probably guessed that this was the case (e.g. see this striking 2006 letter to VDARE), but now we have it in black and white. (I'll save that email from Novick!)
IL’s full list of their Hall of Shamers is here. Interestingly, the IL folks didn’t go out of their way to find hideous photos for these ten American heroes and heroines; everyone looks presentable to attractive.
While we're on the subject, if you'd like to see a "dog’s breakfast," so to speak, of truly terrible immigration-policy ideas, check out IL’s "Issues" page.