
DAILY CALLER’s David Hookstead On ANOTHER Black Video "Fight" (I.E. Assault)

By A.W. Morgan


Once again, The Daily Caller’s David Hookstead, who cover video brawls for the Con Inc. website, treats us to a blacks-gone-wild video [Woman Gets Arrested After Getting Into A Fight With McDonald’s Employees In Crazy Viral Video, June 16, 2021]. In this case, though, it’s just one black, a woman who went ballistic for some inexplicable reason at a McDonald’s in Ravenna, Ohio.

Watch It On Facebook

Hookstead falsely reported that the black woman "decided to get into an altercation with the employees." It was, as the headline said, a "fight."

Woman Gets Arrested After Getting Into A Fight With McDonald’s Employees In Crazy Viral Video — The Daily Caller https://t.co/0dIiCTmAuP

— Tony boy (@Tonyboy88118468) June 17, 2021

No, it wasn’t.

The black woman repeatedly assaulted the white women employees behind the counter, walked away, then returned to assault them again. Only then did one of white women fight back and deliver a richly-deserved beating. But that beating was self-defense.

A cop cuffed and took the angry, out-of-control black woman away.

Watching the white woman employee fight back was certainly gratifying if not thrililng, but why didn’t they fight back when the assault started? Granted, maybe they wanted the woman just to leave; jobs were at stake. My guess: Like many whites, maybe they wouldn’t fight back for fear of being called "racist." You'd have to be a racist, after all, not to permit a black thug to beat you to death.

Though the white woman who defended herself did not utter any racial epithets, she did call the black woman a "bitch" a few times during the beat down.

Anyway, David, it wasn’t an "altercation." It wasn’t a fight. It was an assault. A crazed black woman assaulted two white employees. A white woman defended herself.

Stop trying to hide or minimize the truth, David.

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