Daniel Lin And The 1.3 BILLION Member Talent Pool In China
Here’s a Tweet from Asian-American economics professor Daniel Lin, who thinks the US is unfair to Chinese:
The U.S. is so good at keeping out Asians that it’s legally considered Harvard University. https://t.co/EyLdroZkfY pic.twitter.com/mrZ4e5oc9V
— Daniel Lin (@DLin71) May 26, 2015
He’s linking to a David Brooks column (of course) called Talent Loves English, NYT, May 26, 2015. First of all, the population of China is 1.3 billion. There are a lot more than 22 million people who might move to the US. Steve Sailer has written that there are five billion people whose per capita income is lower than that of Mexico, and that includes everyone in China. In 2005, Sailer wrote
While China is booming, its GDP per capita is still less than two-thirds of Mexico. And more than half of China’s 1.3 billion people live in abject poverty outside of the industrial zones along the coast
And even the talented ones only displace a better class of American. Here’s more from Lin on immigration, which suggests that he’s assimilated to America’s culture of crazy libertarian economists:
Sorry to deport you, but you should’ve become a citizen the right way — by having your mom’s uterus on the correct side of an invisible line — Daniel Lin (@DLin71) May 26, 2015
Well, actually, at VDARE.com, we disapprove of giving citizenship to people just because they're born in America. See Weigh Anchor! Enforce the Citizenship Clause and the rest of our writing on so-called "birthright citizenship."
Particularly, we object to the practice of well-to-do Chinese women of engaging in "birth tourism" — where they come to America while pregnant to get American citizenship for their unborn children, and give birth while their "uterus" is in the United States. See Steve Sailer’s Birthright Citizenship, Anarcho-Tyranny, And Beverly Hills Nativism. Those kids shouldn’t have citizenship either.