David Hines’s Brilliant STORIFY On The Coming Leftist Violence: "The Godzilla Trudging Zone"

By James Fulford


David Hines (@hradzka on Twitter) has a brilliant Storify on the threat of violence from the Left, or rather of more and worse violence from the Left: DAYS OF RAGE pt. 5, finale: "what does it portend?".

A Storify is a collection of Tweets, and I don’t want to embed all of them, but this is the start:

I’ve worked a few places that have had serious political violence. And I’m not sure how to really describe it so people get it.

— David Hines (@hradzka) January 14, 2017

This is a stupid comparison, but here: imagine that one day Godzilla walks through your town.

— David Hines (@hradzka) January 14, 2017

The next day, he does it again. And he keeps doing it. Some days he steps on more people than others.

— David Hines (@hradzka) January 14, 2017

That’s it. That’s all he does: trudging through your town, back and forth. Your town’s not your town now; it’s The Godzilla Trudging Zone.

— David Hines (@hradzka) January 14, 2017

Hines notes especially the open planning of real violence at the Trump inauguration, and speculates that America should consider a divorce.

How will conservatives — normal Americans — react to this? When blacks rioted in the '70s, people moved out of the Godzilla trudging zone, but we're not only talking about blacks here, but white Leftists — John Derbyshire’s Cold Civil War turning hot. VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow has been warning about this for years.

Be sure to read the whole thing at Storify.com.

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