David Yeagley On His Lawsuit Victory
I did a post earlier on David Yeagley’s victory over the people who shut down the American Renaissance conference in 2010. Yeagley won a $50,000.00 judgment, which he has just pointed out on his blog that it seems they can pay (links in original):
I want now to share again some special details that were not made issues in the legal case. I believe it is important to understand the kind of forces behind the street thuggery of liberal Democrat forces. In this particular case, the matter is easily established. Daryle Jenkins’ One Peoples Project receive funds through the Manhattan-based Brecht Forum, an openly Communist foundation. On the One Peoples Project web site, we find this notice:For Tax Deductible donations, send check or money order (payable to Brecht Forum — make sure “One People’s Project” is in the memo line) to:This makes it about as obvious as it can be made. The New York Marxist School itself is … “funded in part by Manhattan Neighborhood Network, The Bardon Cole Foundation, The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, The Surdna Foundation, and by public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.??” Just part of the fabric of New York City.
PO Box 42817
Philadelphia, PA 19101
Daryle Lamont Jenkins, of One Peoples Project, apparently funded by the New York group, Brecht Forum. Mr. Jenkins was ordered to pay $50,000.00 to Yeagley. With the financial associations of One People’s Project, this is a certainly a realizable award, albeit a number of steps must be taken on the path to that award.Freedom of Speech Wins in OKLA. Court, by David Yeagley, January 5, 2014