Debate Tweets: Toddlers With Guns, Amnesty (!!!), Etc.

By James Fulford


Here’s Hillary talking about gun control:

Hillary worried about "dozens of toddlers" who somehow get guns, but unvetted Syrian refugees are totally cool. #debatenight

— VDARE (@vdare) October 20, 2016

How do "toddlers" get guns? Well, here’s something Charlton Heston said during the previous Clinton Administration:

"When a 6-year-old in a crack house finds a stolen gun and shoots his schoolmate, the president doesn‘t demand gun theft prosecution or busting drug dealers — he demands safety locks."

Of course, Heston didn’t mention either child’s color, but the shooter was black, the victim was white.

Poller Frank Luntz seemed to think Trump was doing a great job:

Who won on immigration?

• 2 say Hillary
• 19 say Trump
• 5 say neither/tied#DebateNight

— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) October 20, 2016

Somehow, Trump successfully weaponized Hillary’s experience *against* her.

Voters like that he held the State Dept. accountable. #Debate

— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) October 20, 2016

Hillary’s "experience" is an awful lot like a criminal record — I don’t mean the actual crimes, more the awfulness of her foreign policy.

"The one thing you have over me is experience, but it’s bad experience." The core Trump rationale: policies of last 20 years are disastrous.

— Daniel McCarthy (@ToryAnarchist) October 20, 2016

Diana West noted Hillary isn’t even bothering to lie on amnesty:

And Trump impressed Ben Shapiro, not a raving Trump fan at all:

Trump asks why Hillary won’t return money from human rights violators. Great question.

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 20, 2016

Here’s Michelle Malkin on the Project Veritas revelations Steve Sailer blogged on:

Trump goes there. Good. Mentions Bob Creamer manufacturing of Trump rally violence. Calls out Hillary Climate of Hate. #debate

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 20, 2016

And finally, a Tweet from Mormon anti-Trump candidate Evan McMullin, with’s tweeted reply:

.@Evan_McMullin Only a few years ago conservative movement was pointing out how Al Franken was elected though fraud-

— Virginia Dare (@vdare) October 20, 2016

It’s quite likely that many of the fraudulent votes were Somali — that’s the kind of thing you only hear here at

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