As this lame-duck Congress nears its final days, the battle over amnesty is only heating up. So we're taking a quick step back from deeper political theory and moving more into the trenches of contemporary political struggles. The selection for this month in the VDARE Book Club is Losing Control: How a Left-Right Coalition Blocked Immigration Reform and Provoked the Backlash That Elected Trump by Jerry Kammer.
There are three major factors we need to look at.
1. The way amnesty was defeated in the past so we can defeat it in the present.
2. The nature of building a populist coalition that transcends the usual party labels.
3. The way a conservative political victory can serve as more than just a stopgap and instead pave the way for greater movements. In this case, stopping amnesty led to a larger political movement, the MAGA movement, which is still ongoing.
If you wish to be part of the discussion, you can join the VDARE Book Club here for just $7.00 a month. The Club is really catching on and the interviews are becoming a major draw with some powerful discussions, so now is the time to get in.
On that note, the interview and discussion for November’s selection, Leviathan and Its Enemies by Sam Francis, has been delayed. The interview will take place next week. However, the reason for that is because we have a great guest that you don’t want to miss, and I judged the delay was more than worth it.