
Deep State Obama Democrat Lets Antifa Terrorists Go Free In Portland

By Federale


Not so much in the news recently in all the Black and Antifa rioting was the rioting in mostly White Portland, OR led by Antifa. These Red terrorists were targeting the courthouse named after an infamous RINO during the Reagan years, Mark Hatfield, former Senator of long standing.

As usual, the Deep State Democrat, whom Jeff Sessions advised President Donald J. Trump to keep on, Billy Williams, is protecting the terrorists — only 7 have been charged, despite the hundreds who participated in the riot. Long time readers will remember Williams protected a local judge who assisted an illegal alien escape from a local courthouse.

Deep State Protector Of Antifa, Billy Williams

For the 3rd time this week, a riot was declared in downtown Portland when the Hatfield Federal Courthouse was attacked around 4 a.m. on the 4th of July.

The area around the Federal Courthouse remained an active situation for a time, authorities said. But by 6 a.m., the area seemed much more calm with a group of about 15 people dancing…

Shortly before 1 a.m., protesters began throwing rocks at the Federal Courthouse and then firing commercial grade fireworks toward the Justice Center, police said. Some people dragged material and barricades and began to make a fence in the area of SW 3rd and Main, authorities said.

Portland police “stayed away from the demonstrators, as there was not an identified life safety risk,” officials said in a release. They said no tear gas was used.

[Riot declared as Federal Courthouse attacked in Portland, unattributed, KOIN, July 4, 2020]

And it gets worse: 7 terrorists were arrested, but all released by the Federal Magistrate. This is unprecedented, as in the Federal system, violent criminals are always detained for trial. And the Deep State Democrat Billy Williams did not have his subordinates appeal the decision to release the rioters on their own recognizance.

All seven defendants made their first appearances in federal court on July 6, 2020 and were released pending trial [Seven Arrested, Facing Federal Charges After Weekend Riots at Hatfield Federal Courthouse, U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Oregon Press Release, July 7, 2020].

Note that of those arrested, at least one was from out of state, likely an immigrant or anchor baby, Shant Singh Ahuja, was not charged with violation of the Federal Anti-Riot Act, Title 18 United States Code, Section 2101. The right-wing Rise Above Movement faced dozens of years in prison but these terrorists, because of only minor charges, will likely not spend a day in prison.

Shant Singh Ahuja, 28, of Oceanside, California, is charged with destruction of federal property. Ajuha [sic] is accused of purposefully destroying a closed-circuit video camera on the outside of the courthouse on July 4.

[7 People Face Federal Charges After Weekend Riots At Portland Federal Courthouse, unattributed, KGW, July 7, 2020]

This is in contrast to the Federal charges against the Rise Above Movement (RAM), that was singled out for rioting at the Unite-The-Right legal demonstration at Charlottesville, while Antifa terrorists were not prosecuted at all [FBI Arrests White "Serial Rioters" — And Ignores Antifa by Gregory Hood, October 8, 2019]. The usual procedure in Federal criminal cases is to stack or pile on charges to induce a quick plea deal. But Billy Williams is not attempting to put Antifa away, but only give them a slap on the wrist.

Similarly, the Antifa terrorists were released with no bail requirements. When this happens with violent suspects, the U.S. Attorney’s Office always appeals the release because the rioters arrested had long criminal histories and histories of violence. But not in this case. Why? Because Billy Williams is on the side of the radical left. And that should be no surprise, he is a Democrat appointed by Barack Hussein Obama. In the New York City firebomb case, two leftist lawyers attacked police with Molotov cocktails, the Federal Magistrate ordered them released, but the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York appealed the release. Why hasn’t Billy Williams? Because he is part of the Deep State and supports the ongoing riots and terrorism.

Why did Sessions recommend this backstabber to President Trump? Another case of Personnel Is Policy failure in the Trump Administration.

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