Democrats Claim Senate Majority; Lieberman Might Disagree

By Bryanna Bevens


Senator George Allen of Virginia just conceded the election to Democrat Jim Webb — according to the MSM, this brings to tally to:

Rep 49 Dem 51

My count is slightly different: Rep 49 Dem 49 Ind 2

They are assuming that both Independent candidates will side with the Democrats … big assumption.

Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut lost his primary election to that Lamont guy and Ms. Rodham-Clinton couldn’t endorse Red Ned (as Ann Coulter calls him) fast enough — heck, I think Clinton was behind Lamont during the primary but that’s another story.

The Democrats showed absolutely no love-loss or sadness to watch their supposed long-time friend and ally, Joe Lieberman, almost leave the Senate.

Now I’m watching a FOX News press conference with Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin — there is so much smugness surrounding their stage it’s a wonder they can breathe. Already they are introducing the new Senate leadership and it gets me thinking …

What if Joe Lieberman (or the other Independent for that matter but for now, just Joe) has this conversation with Reid and Durbin next week:

Harry Reid: Hi Joe, we're so glad you chose to run as an Independent … sorry we couldn’t help in your time of need but frankly, we thought you were a lost cause.

Joe Lieberman: Uh-huh.

Harry Reid: We should put that behind us and look to the future.

Joe Lieberman: I am looking toward the future, Harry.

Dick Durbin: So, we can count on your vote next week?

Joe Lieberman: Absolutely, Dick. The way I could count on you guys last week …

Now the numbers are: REP 50 DEM 50

And the drum roll please … ..Dick Cheney is the tie breaker!!!

Bye bye, Harry. Bye bye, Dick.

Even if it is only part of my wonderful imagination, it’s a start!

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