Democrats Finding: Once You Go Black, You Can Never Go Back

By Steve Sailer


From the NYT on the ongoing evolution of the Democrats into the Black Party:

Young Black Democrats, Eager to Lead From the Left, Eye Runs in 2018


MACON, Ga. — In Georgia, a Democratic lawmaker planning a run for governor promises to confront President Trump and what she calls the “fascists” surrounding him. In Maryland, a former president of the N.A.A.C.P. warns national Democrats not to take African-Americans for granted. The mayor of Tallahassee, Fla., goes even further, declaring that Democrats have failed by fixating on centrist voters.

In states from Massachusetts to Florida, a phalanx of young black leaders in the Democratic Party is striding into some of the biggest elections of 2018, staking early claims on governorships and channeling the outcry of rank-and-file Democrats who favor all-out battle with Mr. Trump and increasingly question his legitimacy as president.

By moving swiftly into the most contentious midterm races, these candidates aim to cement their party in forceful opposition to Mr. Trump and to align it unswervingly with minority communities and young people. …

And, these Democrats say, they are willing to defy the conventional strategic thinking of the national party establishment, which has tended to recruit moderate, white candidates for difficult races and largely failed to help blacks advance to high office under President Barack Obama. …

Rather than pivoting to the center, Ms. Abrams, 43, said Democrats should redouble their focus on registering and energizing blacks, Hispanics and Asian-Americans, as well as young and low-income voters, who often decline to participate in politics.

A big question that doesn’t get asked often is how much do Hispanics and Asian-Americans really want to be led by the Black Left?

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