Demography Is Dismal, Particularly in California
The Golden State’s bleak future as a grossly overcrowded Mexifornia is now official. According to the state’s Department of Finance, by 2050 the former paradise will have 60 million inhabitants, with the majority being Hispanic.
Lou Dobbs commented on some of the details on July 10 [Transcript]:
CASEY WIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: (voice-over): Higher Hispanic birth rates, as well as legal and illegal immigration, will add more than 25 million people to California by the middle of this century. The state’s Department of Finance projects California’s population will grow to nearly 60 million by 2050, an increase of about 75 percent.The report foreshadows a looming crisis. California already faces water and power shortages, decaying infrastructure, education funding gaps and a $92 billion debt. Urban planners say state officials need to wake up.
As I've noted before, the state’s water supply is already threatened by one year of below-average rainfall because of skyrocketing population growth. The school system has devolved from one of the nation’s best to the bottom of the heap after a few decades of being inundated by millions of Mexican and other non-English-speaking students, most of whom come from education-averse cultures.
Despite Los Angeles' daily agony of transportation gridlock and other overpopulation symptoms today, the LA Times was predictably upbeat in its reportage of immigration-engendered catastrophe in the future:
"It’s opportunity with baggage," said Jack Kyser, chief economist for the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp., in "a country masquerading as a state." [60 million Californians by mid-century LA Times 7/10/07]
Further north, the Democrats of Sacramexico talk up huge tax increases for infrastructure to accomodate the population growth that people don’t want. One figure is $140 billion just to upgrade transportation for six southern counties over 30 years.
To accomplish this stressful transition, we are told by the perpetrators in the capital that we little citizens must put aside our patriotism in the interest of getting along.
Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, D-Los Angeles, said the report demonstrated the state’s need to improve school performance by Hispanics, build housing close to jobs, increase efforts to protect the environment and end the "politics of division.""If we don’t work now to end immigrant bashing and the politics of division, we will allow wedges to form that can pull apart a society whose sheer size along will require enosmous tolerance and cooperation to function," he said in a written statement.
However, the likelihood of a tranquil transformation to total Mexifornia is slim to none. As we have learned from painful experience (and politically suppressed scholarship), diversity causes distrust, and that’s putting it mildly. Californians won’t be cooperating with the invasion.