One of the predictions in Alien Nation, 1995, was that disease would become a problem with mass immigration from Third World countries:
Well, New Orleans turned out to have other problems. But today Dengue Fever is in the US news reports here and here — a representative story is Dengue Fever? What About It, Key West Says, By Denise Grady And Catharine Skipp, New York Times, July 23, 2010.
A fascinating point is that while you can get the disease in Florida and elsewhere by being bitten by a true-blue native American mosquito, the mosquito itself may have gotten the disease from an immigrant:
"Dr. Harold Margolis, chief of the disease centers’ dengue branch in Puerto Rico, said it was statistically valid to extrapolate from the 240 people tested.
”Somehow the virus is getting there,” Dr. Margolis said.
An infected visitor may have passed the virus to local mosquitoes, or a mosquito carrying dengue may have arrived on an airplane or cruise ship. Key West has plenty of Aedes aegypti, a type of mosquito that can carry dengue. "
While the people in Key West, who make their money off tourists, are saying "What About It", like the Mayor in Jaws who didn’t want to worry people with wild stories about sharks, we at VDARE.com are saying "Told You So!"