Dennis Nixon: American Patriot.

By Patrick Cleburne


President Bush was in Laredo, Texas this week, promoting the Kennedy-Bush Amnesty/Immigration Acceleration Bill. Quite likely he shook hands with his important contributor local Bank Chairman Dennis Nixon, This individual’s selfish, short sighted and ultimately stupid view of this issue furnishes a valuable insight as to what is partially motivating the Bush Administration to destroy the American nation and the Republican Party.[Laredo banker fears immigration backlash, .com, June 6, 2006]

Nixon is afraid of Mexico:

Mexico is not a country that won’t eventually be offended by all of this action,” he said, specifying a U.S. government proposal to fence portions of the country’s southern border.

For a very solid reason:

I’m a company that’s gone from a handful of employees to more than 3,000, but if we don’t address immigration, eventually I’ll lose my customers
His firm, International Bancshares Corp, has enjoyed great growth facilitating financial transactions for Mexicans in America and so Nixon has emerged as one of the country’s most outspoken business leaders on immigration policy. He has appeared on television and radio, testified before members of the U.S. Senate

Nixon deploys a profoundly original argument. He insists racism is what’s really fueling the immigration debate.

“The white milk of our society is turning brown, and some people don’t like it,” he said, explaining that his immigration opponents are “driven by a desire to keep Mexicans and the Hispanic culture out of the country.”

Of couse he has a nobler motive:

“When you live the immigration issue every day like we do, you can’t avoid being concerned about something that could disrupt your business.”

In keeping with the culture into which he wishes to assimilate, Dennis Nixon is not easy to contact. Try here and here.

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