Description Wanted In "Asian Gunman On Loose" Case

By James Fulford


Here’s the description of Chinese alleged gunman Jing Hua Wu, while he was still sought by the police, while police had reason to believe he was still on the loose, by Sandra Gonzales, [Send her mail] in the San Jose Mercury News.

Wu is described as 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighing 170 pounds, with black eyes and black hair.

Mountain View man sought in triple homicide, By Sandra Gonzales, Bay Area News Group, San Jose Mercury News,

November 15, 2008 12:15:10 AM PST

Notice anything missing?

Here’s the same description by Mike Baron of with an earlier height estimate, possibly from an eyewitness who was being shot at. (People always look bigger when they're shooting at you.)

Police are asking people in the area to look out for Wu, considered armed and dangerous. He is an Asian man, 5 feet 11 inches tall, 170 pounds, with black hair and black eyes.

Wu may be driving a silver four-door Mercury Mariner sport utility vehicle with California license plate No. 6CJU602. Brian Pugh, Sid Agrawal Killed By Jing Hua Wu In SiPort Shooting, by Mike Baron, Postchronicle.Com, November 15, 2008

Yes, that’s right. The San Jose Mercury News seems to have removed the word "Asian" from the police description, possibly in deference to the AP Stylebook. It never seems to occur to them that this information might actually be useful in saving lives.

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