As of 7:07 pm, Google shows 2,046 "related items" to its lead story about the conviction of Dharun Ravi (now only 20) for "invasion of privacy" and "anti-gay intimidation" that supposedly provoked the suicide of Tyler Clementi, although through legal legedermain the prosecutors did not actually have to prove this: Dharun Ravi Trial: The Breakdown, by Lauren Pearle, ABC News March 16, 2012.
I see not one that headlines the word "immigrant." The preferred tag seems to be "Rutgers Student."
Ravi could now face decades in prison.
The nearest the lead ABC report comes to the unmentionable reality is this:
This felony conviction also means he could be deported to his native India, even though he has lived in the U.S. legally since he was young.
This is especially interesting because the unreconstructed hostility of some Third World immigrants to homosexuals is a Politically Incorrect reality that drove, for example, the Pim Fortuyn phenomenon — now, of course, firmly placed in the Orwellian Memory Hole.
The ABC report, fairly, shows how treacherous this hate crime concept is:
The jurors were split on whether Ravi specifically targeted Clementi because he was gay, but found that Clementi reasonably believed he was being targeted for being gay, which increased his suffering. That was enough to convict.
VDARE.com has gay readers and takes no position on homosexuality or on anything else other than immigration. But we do regard the "Hate Crime" hysteria as the leading edge of Cultural Marxist soft totalitarianism, aimed at ending equal justice and privileging some groups (for example, immigration enthusiasts) at the expense of others (for example, immigration patriots).
Particularly pathetic from the ABC report:
Before the trial Ravi turned down a plea deal that would have given him no jail time, no threat of deportation, and only probation and community service. Ravi rejected the offer because he reportedly refused to plead guilty to the bias charge. He reportedly felt that was unjust and unfair, so he went to trial on principal because of the hate crime counts.
This poor deluded immigrant really believed in the American Dream! … circa 1950.
On the overall issue, not for the first time, I don’t think I can improve on View From The Right’s Larry Auster (himself a pretty good hater), who noted:
I opined last month that the case seemed very weak. The application of the still-new category of "hate crime" to Ravi’s behavior, under the even more questionable sub-category of "bias intimidation," seemed so strained that I thought the jury would reject the charges.
I was wrong. The jury’s verdict shows that what seemed like a merely elite view that would be shunned by ordinary citizens, has been accepted by them. As has also become evident with regard to the birth control mandate, the nation that began with an appeal to the sacred principle of liberty has entered a new dimension of blatant, comprehensive tyranny. Women’s sexual freedom is sacred, therefore other people must pay all the birth control costs of sexually active women. Blacks are sacred, therefore any true statement that the cause of black failure is not "white racism" but blacks' own disorderly behaviors and intellectual limitations will destroy a person’s career. Homosexuals are sacred, therefore a college prank aimed at your homosexual roommate makes you a felon.