
Diary Follow-Up: Diversity Staff, Etc.

By John Derbyshire


(1) In my May Diary I mentioned David Graeber’s book about b-s jobs, and asked rhetorically:

Is there any institution of higher education anywhere in the U.S.A. today that does not have a Dean of Diversity and Inclusion with a raft of Associate Deans, Sub-Deans, Directors, Assistant Directors, Administrative Assistants, and Deputy Administrative Assistants to keep the place flawlessly diverse and inclusive?

It turns out that way under-stated the issue. I'd missed this May 30th post at IntellectualTakeout.org.

1. The University of Michigan currently employs a diversity staff of nearly 100 (93) full-time diversity administrators, officers, directors, vice-provosts, deans, consultants, specialists, investigators, managers, executive assistants, administrative assistants, analysts, and coordinators.

2. More than one-quarter (26) of these “diversicrats” earn annual salaries of more than $100,000, and the total payroll for this small army is $8.4 million. When you add to cash salaries an estimated 32.45% for UM’s very generous fringe benefit package for the average employee in this group (retirement, health care, dental insurance, life insurance, long-term disability, paid leave, paid vacation, social security, unemployment insurance, Medicare, etc.) the total employee compensation for this group tops $11 million per year. And of course that doesn’t count the cost of office space, telephones, computers and printers, printing, postage, programs, training, or travel expenses. [The Diversity Staff at the University of Michigan Is Nearly 100 Full-Time Employees by Jon Miltimore; Intellectual Takeout, May 30th.]

The post includes a table listing 31 of the 93: Vice Provost for Equity and Inclusion …, Associate Dean …, Faculty Lead …, Program Director …, Associate Vice Provost …, Deputy Chief Diversity Officer …

For once my imagination fell far, far short of the truth. My main point stands, though: Every one of these parasites is a sower of discord, working — at an extravagant salary — to keep grievance and resentment alive, mainly by insulting and belittling white men.

If every one of them were to be fired tomorrow the state of Michigan, and the country at large, would be happier and more harmonious. And an education at the University of Michigan would be cheaper.

(2) There is a worked solution to my closing brainteaser here.

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