This report includes the race of the shooter, not in the first paragraphs, or the headline but below:
There is an "active shooter situation" in a popular tourist and commercial area of downtown Charleston, according to police spokesman Charles Francis. King Street is currently closed between Calhoun and Morris Streets.Employees working in the area near Virginia’s On King, a Southern cuisine restaurant, said they were on lockdown as authorities swarmed the area. Several people have said the active shooter situation appears to have started within Virginia’s.
"This was not an act of terrorism," said Mayor John Tecklenburg. "This was not a hate crime. This was a disgruntled employee."
By Brooks Brunson, August 24, 2017
How does he know it’s not a hate crime? Presumably, because "hate crimes" involve white people targeting minorities, and if a black employee targets his white employers or customers, that’s not hate. In fact, it is, and we've noted a number of crimes we call "Disgruntled Minority Massacres".
Peter Siegert, 73, and his son Peter Siegert IV, 45, both of Maryland, were eating at Virginia’s when two waitresses and three kitchen staff members marched through the restaurant and out the front door without saying anything.An older black man wearing an apron and dressed like a kitchen staff member walked through the front door holding a small caliber revolver. He locked the door and said “I am the new king of Charleston.”
He told everyone in the restaurant to get down and move to the back of the building. There were about 30 people dining at the time.
They herded to the back where there were two side exit doors. They began filtering out, some crawling on all fours.
“We did not want to give him a good target,” the younger Siegert said. He apparently was the last person out in the group but did not know if others were still inside.
Here’s a further description:
Tom and Patsy Plant were eating lunch at Virginia’s with their daughter Laura among 15 to 20 people.They said a man came from the kitchen with a loaded revolver in his left hand and announced "There’s a new boss in town."
One customer ran out back door. The Plants followed the customer, leaving their stuff in the restaurant.
They described gunman as black man in his late 50s. Patsy said he looked like "an ordinary grandpa, but he had a crazy look. It was very crazy."
For more on crimes like this — which are much more like "hate crimes" than what the media usually calls that, see What Does VDARE.com Mean By A “Disgruntled Minority Massacre”? and Alton Nolen Not A Muslim Terrorist, But An American Phenomenon — 116 People, Mostly Whites, Have Been Killed By 18 Black “Disgruntled Employees” In The Last 40 Years