David Bernstein, on the Volokh Conspiracy, has a report of the American Bar Association’s decision to deny acreditation to the Charleston School Of Law because of their lack of diversity; and he knows what that means:
The law school, its future on the line, will now do the only sensible thing under the circumstances, and admit wildly underqualified minority applicants who will go on to fail the bar exam in wildly disproportionate numbers.
The underlying story has the numbers;
The ABA also asked the law school for more information about its commitment to racial and ethnic diversity in its enrollment policies.Currently, 4 percent of the student body is African-American, Gershon aid.
For comparison, 20 percent of the USC incoming law class is minority, and 11 percent is African-American. The State | 07/12/2006 | First law class hits legal barrier
For another comparison, a quick Google showed that in 2000, 4 percent of the lawyers in the country were African-American, which suggests that the law school is doing it exactly right. It’s a for-profit school, by the way, which means that they don’t have the money to attract minority students by the traditional means (used by tax-supported and endowed universities) of offering them incredibly generous scholarships.
We've spoken on VDARE.com of the "invisible victims" of affirmative action, here they're extremely visible, since all the students at this school are now, thanks to the ABA, ineligible to take the state bar exam.
Sherry Shealy Martschink, a 56-year-old former legislator and nontraditional student, said she’s confident the school will win accreditation.
But should it fail to, she said, “couldn’t South Carolina change the rules and let us take the Bar exam?”
Yes, of course they should. This "self-regulation" can only work if the Bar Association stays out of politics. Perhaps the state of South Carolina can "deny accreditation" to the American Bar Association.