
Do Pets of Color Need More Diverse Veterinarians?

By Steve Sailer


From Twitter account Sociology of Health Professions Education (@soc_hpe):

Adilia E. E. James addresses the overwhelming whiteness of the veterinary profession: pet-human relations are a racialization tool. Whites use pets to uphold racial/ethnic boundaries. #esshpe

White people use pet ownership to stereotype and police POC communities: calling police when dogs are left outside, etc.

In-depth interviews with veterinary students uncover assumptions about Black, Latinx, and Asian communities not living up to middle class white norms: “They don’t like pets.” @aeejames

There is a need to diversity profession, incorporate diversity training in DVM curriculum, and adopt diversity and inclusion protocols in workplaces.

Sociology of Health Professions Education Retweeted
Tania Jenkins @TaniaMJenkins

92% of veterinarians in the US are white and there’s been little examination of demand-side factors that might explain this outcome, such as systematic racism. Fascinating work by Adilia James #esshpe #ESS2020

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