Documentary Shows Illegal Immigration Is Not a Victimless Crime
WRAL, a North Carolina television station, put together a 21-minute documentary about the scourge of drunk-driving illegal aliens. The piece used as an example the death of Scott Gardner at the hands of a drunk Mexican with several prior DUI convictions.
Not only was Scott killed in the crash, but his wife Tina was badly injured and remains in a nursing home, unable to walk or speak. Their two children are being raised by Tina’s parents and are effectively orphans.
As Emily Moose, Scott’s mom, remarked, "Life as we expected it was taken away. John and I thought we were at a point in our life where we thought we were going to watch our children raise their children. And that was all changed in the flash of a moment — how tomorrow was removed."
Another family torn apart by Washington’s open-borders policy.
Click on Focal Point: Crossing the Line and scroll down the page to where it says "Watch the Documentary" to view online. It is infuriating, in several ways.
Although drunken drivers come in all colors and from all cultures, an unusually high number of them in North Carolina are Hispanic immigrants.A study from the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center shows that Hispanics involved in car crashes were two-and-a-half times more likely to be drunk than white drivers and three times more likely to be drunk than black drivers.
Hispanics also account for 18 percent of drunken-driving arrests, while making up less than 7 percent of the state’s population. Drunken driving is also the number one killer of young Hispanic men in North Carolina.
So why is there such a high rate of drunken driving among Hispanics in North Carolina? Some say young Hispanic men consider drinking and driving a macho right of passage. Advocates say many who immigrate here did not drive a car back in their home country and have not been exposed to anti-drunken-driving messages and driver safety education. [Focal Point: Crossing the Line, WRAL-TV, December 5, 2007]
One weakness of this otherwise powerful doc is how it skirts the issue that driver’s licenses are de facto identification. And exposing hispanics to educational public service announcements in Spanish is unlikely to change the culture of drunk driving among Mexicans who believe that drinking mass quantities of booze and then piloting a vehicle is muy macho.
See also the Gardner Family Circle remembrance and activism website.