
Does IQ By Ethnicity Correlate With College Admissions Test Scores?

By Steve Sailer


From Human Varieties

A remarkable correlation between IQ and SAT scores across ethnic groups

AUGUST 6, 2023 / / 1 COMMENT

Chuck recently published the IQ estimates for almost 30 ethnic groups/subgroups in the ABCD of the 10-year old US children.

I’ve been writing about the 10,000+ sample size Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study for a few years, such as here and here and here. We are headed into a new dark age where this kind of data will only be available to researchers who swear to only find politically correct results in it, so we might as well get all the mileage out of the ABCD that we can. Here’s Chuck’s table I posted in Taki’s Magazine a while ago:

The post was an astounding hit. However, a few commenters complained that the sample sizes of some subgroups were small. I responded that if one could replicate the values and the rank order, one would have more confidence in these estimates. And this is exactly what we did here (full result available).

To replicate the ABCD analysis, we investigated the SAT data from the NPSAS:UG by using the NCES datalab.

The National Postsecondary Student Aid Study looks into college students every few years. Thus, these SAT and/or ACT average scores are just for people in college in 2016 and 2020, not for everybody who took an admissions test in high school or a nationally representative sample of young people. So, it’s higher skewed than the ABCD, which attempts to be a nationally representative sample of 10-year-olds.

But Meng Hu sets both so that the non-Hispanic white average is 100 with a standard deviation of 15, like with IQ scores.

Two years were available for ethnicity comparisons, 2016 and 2020. Total sample sizes for SAT-2016 and SAT-2020 are, respectively, 122,030 and 145,490. …

The sample was restricted to US born students. The SAT variable is a composite of the math and reading-writing sections. The SAT scores are converted into an IQ scale by using the SD of the total group (the only estimate that was available). The table below displays IQ estimates from SAT scores and IQ scores from the ABCD NIH Toolbox battery as well as their differences.

Averaged SAT ABCD IQ SAT-ABCD IQ Difference
IQ-metric N-est. NIH-IQ N SAT-2016 SAT-2020 SAT-average
White & Asian Indian 109.42 323 109.62 44 -0.20 -0.20
Chinese 108.55 2469 111.32 81 -3.80 -1.81 -2.77
White & Chinese 108.16 804 105.16 77 5.06 1.99 3.00
Korean & Japanese 107.52 1198 110.05 33 -2.57 -2.50 -2.53
Asian Indian 107.11 1742 102.42 53 3.44 5.55 4.69
Mixed Asian 104.92 1208
White & Korean/Japanese 104.28 1435 106.65 78 0.25 -3.57 -2.37
White & Vietnamese 102.02 295
Vietnamese 101.57 1473 98.69 24 -0.90 6.00 2.88
White & Filipino 100.96 921 105.07 60 -3.74 -4.27 -4.11
White 100.00 131370 100.00 5858 0.00 0.00 0.00
Filipino 98.88 1447 103.53 51 -2.05 -7.12 -4.65
White & Pacific Islander 98.45 1491 99.66 25 0.81 -2.09 -1.21
Other Asian 98.41 2137 102.46 52 -4.68 -3.48 -4.05
White & Native American 96.74 3360 95.63 144 3.11 0.12 1.11
White Cuban 95.79 993 91.67 151 5.24 2.47 4.12
NH Black & White 94.68 6033 91.63 418 4.46 2.37 3.05
White Puerto Rican 94.37 3415 90.98 133 3.90 2.78 3.39
Other Hispanic 93.14 10567 91.29 518 1.79 1.91 1.85
Pacific Islander 92.96 912 96.06 17 -3.61 -2.76 -3.10
Mixed Hispanic 92.30 4750
White Mexican 91.90 19596 91.78 775 0.32 -0.10 0.12
Native American 91.47 1802 89.22 39 2.99 1.50 2.25
Other Cuban 90.91 170 89.69 30 1.80 0.12 1.22
Black & Other Puerto R. 90.85 1273 87.69 90 3.55 2.82 3.16
Black immigrant 90.46 5824 89.74 -0.14 1.96 0.72
Other Mexican 90.39 3763 88.79 460 1.43 1.80 1.60
USA Black 89.16 23974 82.98 1499 6.05 6.37 6.18

In general, the ABCD nationally representative sample of 10-year-olds has greater ethnic dispersion of scores because the undergraduate sample has more restriction of range: the SAT scores of non-undergraduates aren’t measured.

Thus the big difference between the two data sources is that USA Black (i.e., non-Hispanic, non-immigrant plain vanilla black Americans) average 10.8 points less as undergraduates than white undergraduates, but 17 points less among the nationally representative sample than the whites in the ABCD sample.

This suggests a simple explanation for why college-educated white Americans tend to underestimate the importance of the white-black IQ gap. It’s bigger on the streets than on the campuses.

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