Does Trump’s Executive Order On Immigrant "Gender-Based Violence" Cover Female Genital Mutilation?
President Trump’s executive order temporarily banning travel from 6 countries also directs that the Secretary of Homeland Security in consultation with the Attorney General shall
“collect and make publicly available …This order would appear to include female genital mutilation which has been a federal crime in the US since 1996. It is violent and torturous abuse done against the will of defenseless young girls.information regarding the number and types of acts of gender-based violence against women, including so-called "honor killings," in the United States by foreign nationals … “
Full text of President Trump’s travel ban executive order, March 6, 2017
But for over two decades the federal government has done nothing to enforce the law — perhaps because of political correctness. D.C. MacAllister in The Federalist, writes how many are trying to avoid linking the practice to Islam to avoid offending Muslims but this practice is “only found in or adjacent to Islamic societies.”[ Genital Mutilation: The Real War On Women, July 30, 2014]
An Ethiopian immigrant who cut off his daughter’s clitoris with a pair of scissors was convicted in 2006 — the first conviction for this crime, but that was under state law. In March 2013, he was deported after serving 10 years in prison.[Man gets 10-year sentence for circumcision of 2-year-old daughter, USA TODAY, November 01, 2006[
Now we finally have the first case of federal prosecution for female genital mutilation. Robert Snell of the Detroit News writes:
“Jumana Nagarwala of Livonia was charged with female genital mutilation, a five-year felony, and transportation with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, a felony punishable by 10 years to life, according to a complaint unsealed Thursday in U.S. District Court.”The Detroit News article, of course, calls Nagarwala a “Detroit physician” but numerous articles cite her “Indian origin” or “Indian heritage.” The name Nagarwala is associated with the Maharashtra region of India, and her now deleted profile at the Henry Ford Hospital said that she is fluent in English and Gujarati.Detroit physician charged with mutilating girls’ genitalia, April 13, 2017
Is federal prosecution of FGM finally happening because of the election of Donald Trump and his appointment of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General?
The girls allegedly mutilated by Nargarwala are more fortunate than most mutilated girls because at least Nargarwala is a doctor. In other parts of the world young girls have various parts of their external sex organs sliced off with implements including rusty, unsterilized razor blades and even pieces of broken glass. Generally no anesthetics or antiseptics are used. Sometimes the labia are repositioned and sewn or glued — leaving only a small opening for urination. The girls may also be scraped or burned. The results of this mutilation can include chronic infections, painful urination, pain and inability to enjoy sex, and death.
Note that girls living in America are not safe from the third world version of this abuse. Every summer girls living in America are sent back to their parents' homelands to be subjected to genital mutilation — sometimes called “vacation cutting.”
Many in the cultures which perform this abuse believe that an inability to enjoy sex makes women easier to control. They think mutilated girls are more apt to remain virgins before marriage and more apt to remain faithful.
The Government Accountability Office reports (PDF) that:
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that 513,000 women and girls in the United States were at risk of or had been subjected to female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in 2012,Hopefully, tracking and reporting this abuse of girls will lead to increased awareness of the alien values and barbaric practices of the cultures being thrust upon American communities without the consent of citizens.a threefold increase from its 1990 estimate. CDC attributes this change primarily to increased immigration from countries where FGM/C is practiced … “