Don’t Mention The A-Word!
By Steve Sailer
As I may have mentioned once or twice over the last two decades, many of the most prominent ex-men who announce they are now women are heterosexual men, often in highly masculine fields like the military or computers, who suffer from a sex fetish that was named “autogynephilia” by U. of Toronto professor of psychiatry Ray Blanchard, who is a major heavyweight academic in his specialty.
But you are not supposed to cite the scientific literature on autogynephilia because it enrages the ex-men and they are holy. So they get to shut down public awareness of this highly relevant fact. Thus The New York Times has only mentioned “Autogynephilia” three times since its first mention in 2010, and not at all in the 2020s, despite running a vast number of articles on transgenderism.
From The New York Times news section today, an example of the NYT being aghast that anybody knows about autogynephilia, and can’t bring itself to even print the A Word:
How a Few Stories of Regret Fuel the Push to Restrict Gender Transition Care
In the campaign to ban gender therapies for minors, Republicans have amplified a group of activists who no longer identify as transgender, overriding objections from transgender people and medical experts.
By Maggie Astor
May 16, 2023
The article is mostly about how those horrible Republicans are focusing attention on FEW examples of individuals who go through “gender transition care” and then come to regret it. Remember, this is a tiny, tiny number, unlike, say, the myriads of unarmed black men gunned down by white cops due to racism.
… [Ex-man]Ms. Shupe’s emails show her close ties to the Alliance Defending Freedom, a leading force behind the state legislative wave. The group recruited her and others who had detransitioned to file an amicus brief to the Supreme Court arguing that federal law didn’t prohibit anti-transgender discrimination. (The court disagreed.)
It later helped her petition an Oregon court to restore her birth sex and name on legal documents. The petition argued that she was not transgender, but suffered from a sexual perversion that caused “confusion” about her gender.
In one exchange with an alliance lawyer, Gary McCaleb, Ms. Shupe urged him to embrace a fringe theory that asserts that transgender women are actually men sexually aroused by imagining themselves as women.
Mr. McCaleb expressed worry about appearing bigoted, but then he asked Ms. Shupe to help present the idea in a palatable way, “because I suspect that it is indeed a fundamental contributor to this blight upon our human souls.”
So even Republican activists are very leery of mentioning the A Word.
Lately, the go-to ploy for discrediting actual mainstream science is so simply declare it “fringe” or “pseudoscience.”
But in the case of Ray Blanchard, he’s a major figure in the field. Here’s his bio from the U. of Toronto website:
Ray Blanchard
Forensic Psychiatry
PhDRay Blanchard (born October 9, 1945 in Hammonton, NJ) was Head of Clinical Sexology Services in the Law and Mental Health Program at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto, Ontario from 1995 to 2010. He is currently a status-only Full Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto. He received his A.B. in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1967 and his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in 1973. He then took up a Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded by Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he remained until 1976, investigating learning processes in animals. In 1976 he accepted a position as a clinical psychologist at the Ontario Correctional Institute in Brampton, Ontario.
Blanchard joined the Gender Identity Clinic at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry (now part of the CAMH) in 1980. Much of his research in the next 15 years concerned transsexualism and milder forms of gender identity disorders. In 1995, he was appointed Head of the newly created Clinical Sexology Services at the CAMH. This unit comprised the Gender Identity Clinic and the Kurt Freund Laboratory. In 2004, he served as President of the International Academy of Sex Research. He was a member of the Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders Work Group for the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In 2010, he received a Significant Achievement Award from the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers.
Here’s an abstract of his 1989 paper on his discovery:
The Concept of Autogynephilia and the Typology of Male Gender Dysphoria
The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 177(10):p 616-623, October 1989.
This study tested the hypothesis that all gender-dysphoric males who are not sexually aroused by men (homosexual) are instead sexually aroused by the thought or image of themselves as women (autogynephilic). Subjects were 212 adult male-to-female transsexuals. These were divided into four groups: one homosexual and three nonhomosexual. The three nonhomosexual groups were heterosexual, bisexual, and analloerotic (unattracted to male or female partners, but not necessarily devoid of all erotic behavior). A Core Autogynephilia Scale was developed to assess a subject’s propensity to be sexually aroused by the fantasy of being a woman. The four transsexual groups were compared on this measure (and on several others), using Newman-Keuls multiple-range tests at p <. 05. As predicted, all three nonhomosexual groups were more likely than the homosexual group to report sexual stimulation by cross-gender fantasy. This finding supports the hypothesis that the major types of nonhomosexual gender dysphoria constitute variant forms of one underlying disorder, which may be characterized as autogynephilic gender dysphoria.
The first of the three times since 1851 that The New York Times published the word “autogynephilia” or “autogynephilic” was in a very short story by 1980s filmmaker John Hughes (The Breakfast Club) in 2010:
Reverend Clay cleared his throat. He raised his chin and closed his eyes. He issued a deep sigh.
“Mildred Penniman,” he said softly, pausing between syllables. “was a teacher, a community leader, and an autogynephilic transsexual.”
An angry murmur rose from the bereaved.
“Now, now,” Reverend Clay said, silencing the assembled with a wave of his hand. “Jesus was a teacher and community leader.”