
Donate Before January 1st And ANY American Can Deduct $300! (Bonus: Higher Limits For Itemizers)

white doe

By Virginia Dare


This year only, thanks to the CARES act passed in Spring, all Americans can take advantage of tax deductions by donating to a 501c3 Nonprofit organization such as the VDARE Foundation.

As described on the IRS site here, Americans who usually take the standard deduction instead of itemizing can now deduct up to $300 from their taxes.

Bonus: For 2020 only, there are also higher limits on tax-deductions to nonprofits for itemizers and corporations!

As law firm Skadden Arps explains in its client briefing:

Prior to the CARES Act, an individual’s deduction for cash contributions to public charities generally was limited to 60% of the individual’s adjusted gross income. The act increases the deductible amount for an individual’s “qualified contributions” — which are defined as cash contributions made during the 2020 calendar year to public charities [i.e. VDARE Foundation!]… — to 100% of the individual’s adjusted gross income, subject to a reduction for other charitable contributions.” [CARES Act Increases Deductions for Certain Charitable Contributions, by Skadden Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, March 30, 2020 Skadden]

Please consider taking advantage of this special opportunity by donating to VDARE.com and protect the Historic American Nation!

Donate To VDARE.com Here.

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