
Donate To VDARE.com — A Way Forward For The Historic American Nation

By Lydia Brimelow


Since before the current border crisis, and before Trump promised a wall, and before foreigners on fraudulent visas drove planes into the Trade Towers, and even before it was politically incorrect to advocate for keeping America American, patriots have been finding America First non-profit journalism at VDARE.com. For almost a quarter century, VDARE.com has stood unwaveringly by three simple principles:

  1. America is real.
  2. Demography is destiny.
  3. The cultural identity of America is legitimate and defensible.

As these principles become more and more dangerous to say out loud, their truth becomes more and more unavoidable. Patriots now have a choice: stand on the sidelines as America is destroyed, or follow the path forward that VDARE.com advocates for every day.

Will you choose to walk with us?

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