Dr. Thomas Fleming Retires At CHRONICLES; Chilton Williamson Jr. Will Take Over
It’s the end of an era at Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, as Dr. Thomas Fleming will be retiring:
After leading Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture for over 30 years, Dr. Thomas Fleming is retiring. His last issue as editor is the June number. “Dr. Fleming is an intellectual giant, and American conservatism’s unsung hero,” said Rockford Institute Board Chairman Raymond Welder. “The proof is in his consistently excellent work: 30 years of writing a monthly Perspective, each as hard-hitting as it is erudite; 30 years of producing the best-edited magazine in America; 30 years of setting the tone for conservative intellectual discourse … “Dr. Fleming’s Fleming Foundation website is here.Rockford Institute President Thomas Piatak has named long-time Senior Editor for Books Chilton Williamson, Jr., as Dr. Fleming’s successor. He will begin his tenure as editor with the July issue. “Chilton Williamson is a talented writer and experienced editor,” said Dr. Fleming. “He is also a good friend in whom I have complete confidence. I look forward to working under his editorship.
[Obiter Dictum, Chronicles, May 14, 2015]
Both Chilton Williamson Jr. and Tom Piatak have written for VDARE.com.
Chilton Williamson’s writings on the "Doomed Desert Civilization of the American Southwest" are especially timely given the severe drought plaguing overcrowded California, and I find myself returning again and again to his Easter column on "Easter and the Resurrection of the West." You can find his full VDARE.com archive here.
Tom Piatak has written some of the best material available on the Left’s War on Christmas (and Christianity), the history of the Beltway Right, and the living legacy of Pat Buchanan. You can find his full VDARE.com archive here.
Good luck to the former and new leadership of Chronicles and our friends on staff.