DREAM Act Quote Of The Day: "Arguing … That He And His Descendants Should Enjoy, In Apparent Perpetuity, A Legal Advantage Over My Descendants And Me"

By James Fulford


This is from the American Spectator, in the distant past of 1996:

"At an editorial meeting last spring, while sitting across the table from the representative for a coalition of minority contractors intent on defending government ’set-aside' programs, I found myself pondering the man’s appearance, and eventually being annoyed by it. The problem: He and I were outwardly interchangeable. His skin tone was light. He spoke American English with no trace of accent. He dressed like most professionals and seemed to earn a comfortable income. He was a modestly successful, mainstream, native-born American indistinguishable from most others of that description. Yet there he was, arguing without a hint of self-consciousness that he and his descendants should enjoy, in apparent perpetuity, a legal advantage over my descendants and me. The reason: his ancestors hailed from Mexico, whereas mine came from Europe." [Sorry, Emma Lazarus, By Vincent Carroll, American Spectator, March 1996(pay archive)]

Of course, if the guy looked that white, his ancestors came from Europe too, from a country called Spain. Apparently many people don’t understand that "Hispanic" doesn’t automatically mean "not white."

However, that’s not why I’m posting this, it’s because, as Dana Rohrabacher put it, the DREAM Act is really the "Affirmative Action Amnesty Act" — every single illegal legalized under this thing will also enjoy, in "apparent perpetuity, a legal advantage" over your descendants.

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