Drudge Scores Twofer: Immigrant/American Job Grab, and Anchor Baby Costs
The Drudge Report survives because of its unerring news sense — which often means carrying stories in which the public is interested but which the MSM wants to repress, as I have previously noted here and here. Tonight it has a twofer, carrying bleak implications for the Treason Lobby: Exclusive: Over a million immigrants land U.S. jobs in 2008-10 By Ed Stoddard Reuters Jan 20 2011 is essentially the story Ed Rubenstein with his VDAWDI Index has documented for VDARE.com many times:
Over the past two years, as U.S. unemployment remained near double-digit levels and the economy shed jobs in the wake of the financial crisis, over a million foreign-born arrivals to America found work, many illegally. Those are among the findings of a review of U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Census Bureau data conducted exclusively for Reuters by researchers at the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University in Boston … "Employers have chosen to use new immigrants over native-born workers and have continued to displace large numbers of blue-collar workers and young adults without college degrees," said Andrew Sum, the director of the Center for Labor Market Studies. "One of the advantages of hiring, particularly young, undocumented immigrants, is the fact that employers do not have to pay health benefits or basic payroll taxes," said Sum.
How very enterprising of U.K.-based Reuters to commission its own study.
Where were the American-controlled MSM?
The answer is they were sipping white wine on the Upper West Side. They do not care that
The unemployment rate for all Americans without a high school diploma in this age group is about 27 percent to 29 percent — a level that Sum says is "Depression scale." And in sectors such as construction the unemployment rate is almost 21 percent…. …the analysis by Sum and his colleagues shows that over 86,000 foreign-born workers who arrived in America since 2008 have been employed in the construction sector. Sum said the whole situation was creating a deeper domestic labor glut at the bottom of the workforce ladder, depressing wages and sharpening already widening income disparities.
The second story Drudge thinks its readers might like to know about is Welfare Tab for Children of Illegal Immigrants Estimated at $600M in L.A. County Fox News January 19 2011
Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich released new statistics this week showing social spending for those families in his county rose to $53 million in November, putting the county government on track to spend more than $600 million on related costs for the year — up from $570 million in 2009. Antonovich arrived at the estimate by factoring in the cost of food stamps and welfare-style benefits through a state program known as CalWORKS. Combined with public safety costs and health care costs, the official claimed the "total cost for illegal immigrants to county taxpayers" was more than $1.6 billion in 2010. "Not including the hundreds of millions of dollars for education," he said in a statement.
VDARE.com has noted on these Antonovich reports before — usually he gets little MSM acknowledgement for his wonderfully patriotic work. With amazing stupidity,
Isabel Alegria, communications director at the California Immigrant Policy Center, said it’s "unfair" to roll together costs associated with both illegal immigrants and U.S.-born citizens. Those children are U.S. citizens, children eligible for those programs," Alegria said.
This of course is a devastating argument in favor of Anchor Baby/Birthright citizenship reform. Point this out to Isabel Alegria. The Fox story has an incredible 3,531 comments as I write. Drudge knows what the Washington Establishment is determined to ignore: America is aware of this problem. And America cares.