Duke University Learned Nothing And Forgot Nothing From 2006 Lacrosse Rape Hoax
After the Bourbon Monarchy was restored to France at the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the Bourbons were described as having “learned nothing and forgotten nothing.” As a result, there isn’t a Bourbon Monarchy in France today, there’s a Fifth (as of today) Republic.
In 2006, Duke University suffered what we call the “Duke Rape Hoax”, in which a black stripper accused the white lacrosse team of raping her. According to K. C Johnson, Duke is run by latter-day Bourbons.
Short thread on @chronicle exposé, published yesterday, on @DukeU’s current TIX system. Whatever else can be said, the piece’s frame that the university’s post-2007 policy changes in any way responded to problems ID’d by lacrosse case is unconvincing.https://t.co/Jph4sKSAgX
— KC Johnson (@kcjohnson9) January 7, 2019
One feminist theory of why Duke was particularly dangerous — it has lots of high IQ males:
For instance, the @MrMikeVasquez piece doesn’t mention the first post-lacrosse policy change--a dramatic expansion of Duke’s definition of sexual assault, justified on grounds, per adm’r, that Duke had "cream of the crop" of sex offenders. https://t.co/iRi9G8xPvU pic.twitter.com/5Vr6T6zFq6
— KC Johnson (@kcjohnson9) January 7, 2019