Ed Rubenstein Announces Cost of Immigration Report At the National Press Club Today!
UPDATE: This is going on in one hour, so if you're in downtown Washington, you can still do it.[Map]
If you're going to be in Washington tomorrow at noon, look in at the National Press Club, in the Zenger Room, where Ed Rubenstein
will release his new 70-page report detailing the cost of immigration to 15 federal departments and agencies. This first of its kind assessment of the fiscal impact of mass immigration looks at the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Interior, Justice, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, transportation, Treasury, and State, in addition to Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration.Copies of the new study will be available.
A light lunch will be available for journalists at 12:15.[More, scroll down to 1:00]
Also, check out the coverage at Investor’s Business Daily, whose motto might easily be "We're not the Wall Street Journal." Nothing could make that clearer than this editorial.
The Real Cost Of ImmigrationBy INVESTOR’s BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Friday, April 04, 2008 4:20 PM PT
Immigration: As some experts tell Congress to fight a possible recession with more immigrants, a respected economist warns that immigration’s costs are grossly underestimated — because the government won’t study them.
Set for release Tuesday is a report published by Social Contract magazine, "The Fiscal Impact of Immigration: An Analysis of the Costs to 15 Federal Departments and Agencies." [More]
Peter Brimelow will be there, and will be introducing Ed Rubenstein.