Egypt Devolves into Chaos, as Muslim Brotherhood Strikes Back

By Brenda Walker


For a supposedly “conservative” network, Fox News is remarkably averse to exploring the threat to Western civilization that Islamic jihad presents. By comparison, SunTV’s Michael Coren has a segment with expert Robert Spencer nearly every week.

Given the worsening unrest in Egypt, Fox welcomed author Erick Stackelbeck to discuss the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the granddaddy of Islamic jihad activity in the modern era. Founded in 1928, the group is well organized and happy to further its aim of worldwide sharia governance by working within the existing political system, including considerable influence in the Obama administration.

Stakelbeck warns that the Suez Canal may be targeted by Islo-extremists who want to crash the world economy by blocking the movement of oil.

Think the Muslim Brotherhood has no friends within the United States? A 2007 Pew poll found that a quarter of young Muslims residing in America supported suicide bombing to defend Islam.

Shown below is the rally of 500 US residents who showed up in Chicago to demonstrate their support for the Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi in July.

Right on schedule, the US-residing terrorists-in-suits at the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) piped up with the suggestion that Obama “take steps” to protect the “pro-democracy” forces in Egypt — aka, the Muslim Brotherhood. Curiously, the Egyptian army is the most reasonable bunch in the backward sandlot of eighty million inhabitants.

Plus, Obama has consistently supported pro-sharia movements in the Middle East, so why shouldn’t the CAIR creatures demand that he double down?

CAIR Says Obama Must Act Against Massacre of Pro-Democracy Protesters in Egypt, Digital Journal, August 14, 2013

WASHINGTON, Aug. 14, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization, today called on the Obama administration to take concrete steps to end the ongoing massacre of pro-democracy protesters in Egypt and to seek the restoration of democracy.

In a statement, CAIR said:

“CAIR joins all those who value freedom in strongly condemning today’s massacre of pro-democracy protesters in Egypt and calls for lifting the newly-imposed state of emergency and its inevitable denial of basic human rights. Those responsible for these horrific attacks on peaceful sit-ins must be held accountable and brought to justice.

“As we condemn the killing of peaceful protesters, we also condemn the reported attacks on Christian properties in Egypt and call for calm and national unity in the face of concerted campaigns to divide Egyptian society along religious and political lines.

“We welcome our own government’s condemnation of the violent suppression of democratic rights, and we urge President Obama to move beyond condemnations to take concrete steps to help restore democracy and the rule of law in Egypt through dialogue. The first steps in creating an atmosphere conducive to dialogue would include the release of all political prisoners and respecting the right to peaceful protest.

“President Obama should follow existing law by ending the flow of American taxpayer funds to Egypt’s military, which is using brute force to impose its will without regard to the results of the first free elections in that nation’s history.” (continues)

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