Elementary School in Salt Lake City Named For Andrew Jackson Renamed for Insignificant Black Female NASA Engineer

By Paul Kersey


"This week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is George Washington next week and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You really do have to ask yourself: 'Where does it stop?'" — President Donald J. Trump

Where does it stop? Our historical genocide.

Oh, Mr. President, it doesn’t stop until America’s white heritage is completely erased.



Utah School Named After Andrew Jackson Renamed to Honor NASA Engineer, Breitbart.com, February 8, 2018

A Utah school board voted to change the name of the oldest elementary school in its district from Andrew Jackson Elementary School to honor a NASA engineer with the same last name.

The Salt Lake City school board voted unanimously this week to change the school’s name from Andrew Jackson Elementary School to Mary Jackson Elementary School, the Salt Lake Tribune reported.

Mary Jackson was the first black woman to work as a NASA engineer in the 1950s, and her story was profiled in the movie Hidden Figures.

The elementary school would be the first Utah school to be named after a woman. The school board mulled over changing the elementary school’s name for years but did not go through with it until it determined the majority of the community would support the change. Seventy-three percent of parents, alumni, and friends of the school supported the change before the vote.

“Some of my colleagues thought it was beyond offensive to have to go to a school named [for Andrew] Jackson,” Principal Jana Edward told the Tribune.

The school told the newspaper it prides itself on having a diverse population: 85 percent of students at the school are students from minority backgrounds.

Some people see Andrew Jackson as a controversial figure because he owned more than 100 slaves and implemented the “Trail of Tears” policy that forced Native Americans to relocate from their homes.

Others, however, see Jackson as a populist figure with an anti-establishment bent.President Trump has praised Jackson as “an amazing figure in American history” and “unique in so many ways.”

The president hung a portrait of Jackson in the Oval Office at the beginning of his term to honor the seventh U.S. president and paid tribute to the former president on his 250th birthday in March 2017.

Donald Trump’s election gave Andrew Jackson a brief respite before he'll inevitably be replaced on the twenty dollar bill by Harriet Tubman. After all, demography is destiny, which is why an elementary school with an 85 percent non-white student body in Utah would replace Andrew Jackson with an utterly insignificant black woman whose only contribution to NASA is the presently advantageous hue of her skin color.

It won’t stop, Mr. President.

The rising tide of color will permanently transformation not just the present and future of the United States, but fundamentally destroy our past as well by simply renaming every road, street, building, school for a white male, or tearing down their statue.

It won’t stop, until we make it stop. There is no one coming to save us.

We must make it stop. No one else.

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