Elvira Support a Little Slim in Lost Angeles

By Brenda Walker


For all the noisy squawking in the nuevo capital of Mexifornia about the deportation of convicted felon Elvira Arellano, Saturday’s street rally in support of her had only a few hundred participants. If the brain trust at La Raza thought that the church squatter was going to be a big draw as a sympathetic image of alien sob stories, maybe they should rethink.

It’s more likely that the huge crowds will not be back until Mexicans and Aztlan fellow-travelers can demand goodies that would directly benefit themselves, like amnesty. Standing up for a symbol many be too much of a stretch for illiterate peasants.

A crowd estimated at only 500 to 1,000 people, carrying large photographs of Arellano and her 8-year-old son, Saul, and signs reading "I Am Elvira" and "Keep Families Together," marched from Broadway and Olympic Boulevard to a rally at the U.S. Federal Building on Saturday afternoon.

March organizers had anticipated a stronger response after Arellano’s arrest and deportation. She chose to leave her U.S.-born son behind — putting him in the custody of a friend in Chicago where he is expected to enroll in school. [Immigration-rights support lagging? Los Angeles Daily News 8/26/07]

As we can see from the photo here, the commies and Marxicans at ANSWER (i.e. Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) were major organizers behind the march. elvirarally.jpg

To the credit of the article cited here, the concerns of local black citizens were used to balance the far left rantings of open-borders extremists. In particular, veterans of the civil rights movement don’t like the unworthy demands of illegal foreigners being equated to their struggle:

Some African-Americans in Los Angeles have also taken umbrage with the immigrant-rights groups' attempts to liken Arellano to [Rosa] Parks, a pioneer of the black civil-rights movement for refusing to sit in the back of a Montgomery, Ala. bus in 1955, sparking a historic bus boycott.

"(Arellano) was intoxicated with a false sense of power," said civil-rights activist Ted Hayes. "How dare they flaunt themselves like that in the face of the American people?"

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