If you read Bryanna Bevens' recent column, you know that white rapper Eminem got in deep trouble for insulting Michael Jackson, and was accused of being "racist."
His new target is less controversial; in conjunction with some anti-American leftists, he’s attacking the President of the United States. (I know, I know, you might have heard some criticism of Mr. Bush on VDARE.com, but trust me, this is different.)
In any event, it’s a hell of a note when you realize that he'll get in less trouble for attacking the President, and by the way, everyone else in the Red States, than he would for attacking Michael Jackson.
[Guerrilla News Network’s] previous effort with Eminem, the "White America" video, didn’t make it past the internet for its graphic indictment of the middle America. Inaba said he was optimistic that this would represent a change. Eminem’s "Mosh" Video Disses President
By Chuck "Jigsaw" Creekmur, BET.com October 25, 2004
As for the commercially unsuccessful "White America" video, it’s own producers described it as a "profane anti-American rant," which should give you a hint that he’s not criticizing the President in the patriotic spirit of Pat Buchanan.