Enforcing the Law is "Divisive" in Texas

By Allan Wall


Imagine you´re a mayor. What if you decide you don´t like a federal law, federal policy, or an entire body of federal law? Could you just not enforce or obey that law in your city? Could you forbid your city employees from cooperating with federal officials on those issues?

Let’s say you decide not to enforce or follow OSHA (environmental) laws or EEOC (discrimination) laws. Do you think that would fly?

There is one set of federal laws that you can disobey with cheerful abandon. Immigration laws. A number of cities have "sanctuary policies", which defy federal immigration law and forbid city employees from cooperating with federal immigration officers. So the city becomes a "sanctuary city" from which it’s harder to deport illegal aliens.

What happens to these cities? Nothing. That’s one type of federal law you can openly thumb your nose at.

In the great state of Texas, there’s a move in the legislature to take on "sanctuary cities" in Texas. Of course, it’s meeting opposition.

This is from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram:

The Texas Senate’s 12 Democrats formed a united front against a revived "sanctuary cities" bill Monday as Hispanic leaders asserted that it would lead to racial profiling and undercut relations between law enforcement and Latino communities.

Texas' Senate Democrats unite against revived ’sanctuary cities' bill,Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 23rd, 2011

Several Hispanic residents from Tarrant County drove to Austin to participate in a rally on the south grounds of the State Capitol after the bill appeared to regain renewed momentum over the weekend. Rev. Stephen Jasso, pastor of All Saints Catholic Church in Fort Worth, said the measure would "hurt and endanger" Latino communities.

The bill, SB12, is one of Gov. Rick Perry’s top legislative priorities and would allow local law enforcement officers to inquire about immigration status when making arrests. Perry has aimed the measure at so-called sanctuary cities that critics say are havens for illegal immigrants.

But as the Legislature entered its final full week, opponents escalated their attacks on the House-passed bill and said they hope to stop it if it comes up on the Senate floor before the May 30 adjournment.

"We cannot afford this type of divisive legislation and the resulting long-term unsustainable costs to our state and our communities," the Senate’s 12 Democrats, including Sen. Wendy Davis, said in a joint letter released Monday.

Enforcing the law is "divisive legislation"? How can enforcing the law be "divisive" unless you don’t want the law enforced? Which is exactly what the illegal alien lobby doesn’t want.

And what about the "long-term unsustainable costs" to Texas caused by illegal immigration?

I hate to say it, but the clock is ticking away for the state of Texas as it heads rapidly down California’s path. But, when you think about it, the whole country is on the same path, it’s just that some states are farther along than others. But they're all heading the same direction.

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