Enid, OK City Council Tables Motion To Censure Judd Blevins For Merely Attending Unite The Right In 2017
A contentious city council meeting took place last night in Enid, OK, with community members speaking both for and against the censure motion. It’s on YouTube, and the relevant part starts at about 39:00.
One commissioner, Scott Orr, after clarifying that he did not agree with the views Blevins is accused of holding, angrily questioned the timing of the motion, noting that Blevins’ history has been known for many months and that tempers had been flaring among council members after their most recent meeting.
Commissioner Derwin Norwood cited Bible passages and talked about forgiveness. After making his remarks, he shook hands with Blevin, who agreed with Norwood that they were “brothers in Christ.”
Citizens speaking against the motion championed the right to free speech and questioned the motivations and reliability of the groups who publicized the information and brought the accusations. One complained that the commission was showing much more concern about Blevins’ past than they had about the presence of pornographic materials available to children in the public library.
Several citizens who spoke against Blevins and in favor of the censure noted that he did not specifically apologize for his participation in Unite the Right or disavow specific things he is accused of saying. One of his detractors, arguing that he had not adequately distanced himself from his past, pointed out that VDARE.com and Jason Kessler were showing support for him.
#Enid, Oklahoma Commissioner Judd Blevins, who attended the 2017, Unite the Right rally, is the victim of an assassination attempt by left-wing extremists who cut the brake lines of his automobile.https://t.co/pXdrHOXWP6
— Jason Kessler (@TheMadDimension) November 21, 2023
The council then unanimously voted to table the measure. A recall vote to remove Blevins as commissioner could be held as early as February 2024.
Enid Leaders Table Censure Measure Against Commissioner With Alleged White Supremacist Ties
The board voted on whether to censure Commissioner Judd Blevins, who allegedly has ties to white supremacist groups. However, the issue was voted to be tabled for now.
By Jordan Fremstad, News 9, November 21st 2023
The News9 report features a picture from RightWingWatch, a doxxing outfit, which appears to show Blevins watching, rather than marching in, the famous torchlight march: