Eric "My People" Holder’s Address To The NAACP
By Paul Kersey
"Well Let Me Just Say, I Love You Back NAACP." So begins Eric "My People" Holder’s address to the NAACP National Convention in Houston, Texas Tuesday. We already know the Attorney General of the United States and the Department of Justice he leads considers white Christians to be second-class citizens in the eyes of the law; but it was this address to the NAACP that Holder reiterated that Obama’s War on White America is alive and well.
In fact, Matt Drudge removed the color from his immensely important news aggregate site The Drudge Report, and had the ominous look of a black and white world, a gesture that was a clever way of pointing out the racially charged times we live in (the primary story as of 5:30 p.m. was a Washington Examiner piece that proclaims Mitt Romney is "too white" to address the NAACP).
Today, if you didn’t believe that the 2012 Presidential Election was going to be the most racially divisive in American history, a cursory glance at Drudge should have been enough to warn you of what is coming. Politico reported on Holder’s address to the NAACP (which Drudge links to the explosive headline "NAACP goes wild for Eric Holder … "
In a rousing speech at the NAACP convention in Houston, Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday strongly defended his efforts to block controversial voter ID laws in some states — including Texas — saying the Justice Department “will not allow political pretexts to disenfranchise American citizens of their most precious right.”
“The arc of American history has always moved toward expanding the electorate. It is what has made this nation exceptional. We will simply not allow this era to be the beginning of the reversal of that historic progress,” Holder told the assembled delegates.
Holder further suggested that the Texas voter ID laws were passed for political reasons rather than a genuine desire to prevent voting fraud.
“In our efforts to protect voting rights and to prevent voting fraud, we will be vigilant and strong. But let me be clear, let me be very, very clear: we will not allow political pretexts to disenfranchise American citizens of their most precious right,” the attorney general said to uproarious applause.
Holder, who said he brought greetings from the First Family and members of the president’s cabinet, also outlined other successes that the Justice Department has achieved, including its work in combating hate crimes — over the past three years the DOJ has prosecuted 35 percent more hate crimes than the three years prior — and the aggressive use of the Civil Right’s Division authority.
“Over the past three years, the Civil Rights Division has filed more criminal civil rights cases than ever before, including record numbers of police misconduct, hate crimes, and human trafficking cases,” Holder noted.
Silent is Eric "My People" Holder and his DOJ on any "hate crime" that involves Blacks attacking/killing/raping whites (in what are happening with increasingly regularity in Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Peoria, and Philadelphia), which are becoming too numerous to keep track of.
Who knows, if President Obama is re-elected, Eric "My People" Holder might be addressing the NAACP next year and proudly announce that he is beginning to enforce the new law on the books that allows the federal government to prosecute anyone who dares notice and write about the frequency of black-on-white attacks, and shut-down any site that dares defend the historic American majority population.
Would Conservatism Inc. dare speak up then?
As the summer of 2012 moves along, political issues will continue to be polarized in black and white terms.
Obama’s War on White America is real, and Eric "My People" Holder heads a DOJ that willfully turns a blind eye to any injustice done toward whites, while throwing all resources into any injustice — no matter how minute — that effects the lives of his people.