Eritrea Blames "Rights Activists" for Refugee Crisis

By James Kirkpatrick


As with "refugees" in the United States, there’s nothing spontaneous or natural about this. It is destruction by design. And even Third World governments can see it.

Notice the hostile press coverage given the Eritrean government for pointing this out. Moral leaders, like random Islamic terrorists in Libya or corrupt officials in the narco-state of Mexico, understand that good government is about driving your citizens out of the country so they can enjoy welfare payments in Europe and vote for left wing parties.


The secretive Horn of Africa state of Eritrea claimed Monday that human rights activists were partly to blame for the hordes of migrants heading to Europe.

The isolationist Red Sea dictatorship is one of the largest contributors to the exodus across the Mediterranean and has in the past also blamed a CIA conspiracy for the crisis.

In a newsletter from Eritrea’s mission to the African Union, the country called for "a robust and concerted effort to identify, arrest and prosecute the human trafficking criminals."

It said among the criminals were "all those who in different guises, including human rights activism, are complicit in these crimes."

Although the commentary acknowledged there was a need for "increased opportunities for citizens in countries that are currently sources of migration," it also said there should be an "end of the selective and unjustified politicisation of the migration issue" when it concerned those from Eritrea.

[Eritrea says rights activists to blame for migrant crisis, Yahoo, May 18, 2015]

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