Ethnomasochism: "An Excessive Depreciation Of The Entire Tribe"
Ethnomasochism has not gone entirely neglected by the compilers of reference materials. A German reader directed me to this entry in the German-language Metapedia. (The English-language Metapedia has an entry too, but it’s much shorter.)
Here is a partial English, or at least Engleutsch, version via Google Translate:
Ethnomasochismus is a form of masochism in which the person cherishes a feeling of aversion to their own ethnic group and classifying them by themselves humiliated and discriminated against. Ethnomasochisten draw special satisfaction from the humiliation, submission or destruction of their own people or contempt of their race. most affected by this type of self-discrimination are human white skin. The specific German expression operates also under the name Nationalmasochismus.
Mentally prepared the Ethnomasochismus was already in 19th of Friedrich Nietzsche Century diagnosed identity crisis of European civilization. The modern Ethnomasochismus developed after the Second World War, the Anglo-Saxon discourse about the same time as multiculturalism and had this from the beginning to an anti-white thrust. His racist, discriminatory attitude even reached as early as 1967 in the dictum ? white ? Jewish writer Susan Sontag its canonical expression: "The white race is the cancer of human history".
Psychologically, it is the Ethnomasochismus a phenomenon of over-compensation: In Western schooling and education people are encouraged systematically to tolerate and respect other people. The same behavior is positively by society, sanctioned deviant behavior negatively. Out of fear, not to satisfy these social norms, and by the desire to surpass the "own people" in terms of socially correct behavior, Ethnomasochisten respond with a moral Überbietungsehrgeiz that perverts the original good intentions to the contrary. The typical process of a moral self-radicalization Ethnomasochisten can proceed as follows:
- I do not want to hurt other people
- All men are equal
- I like people who are different
- I prefer people who are different
- I hate people who are like me
Ethnomasochisten are aware of their own moral degeneration into subjects of self-hatred is not conscious. Long after their tolerance for people of other origins has turned into a reduction and deprivation of his own ethnic group, they still believe in a good cause to enter. Accordingly, they submit, the discriminatory practices 4 and 5 with the same self-conviction as the legitimate concerns 1 and 2.
Personal need for recognition plays an important role: Ethnomasochisten want to exaggerate their own morality by reducing their own ethnic values. They take advantage of the fact that the very criticism of self or identity is special social attention as self-criticism is occupied in Western culture as a discussion of his own deficiencies tends positive. By the Ethnomasochist castigates himself and his identity and decreases, so before he wins his audience in moral stature that he can credit in the social hierarchy.
Ethnomasochisten ignore, however, that the discrimination of his own ethnic group is no less morally reprehensible as discrimination against other ethnic groups. Self-hatred in the form of hatred of their own ethnic group is ethically considered as bad as xenophobia as hatred of another ethnic group. Racism against its own people is no less offensive as racism towards other peoples. Objections in this regard, however, usually fail at the Ethnomasochisten total faith in their own ethical superiority (self-righteousness) and a lack of ability to access to your own, lower psychological motivations.
Developmentally, the moral fitness to fulfill their destructive mentality and social effect is not a new phenomenon. Ethnologists (= ethnologist) already observed in cultures on a stone age level that the individual needs to surpass the tribesmen morally, can lead to an excessive depreciation of the entire tribe, but is nevertheless with all means of power and Ehrauffassungen of "good morals" defended as correct.