EU, US Border "Enforcement" Now A Magnet For Immivaders

By Patrick Cleburne


When a Country’s Border Enforcement operations are controlled by the Treason Lobby, they apparently can be turned into Immigration Facilitation Services.

On Friday the usually-fruitful Daily Mail “immigration” search delivered How Navy patrols in the Mediterranean became a 'migrant magnet' because refugees know they will get safe passage to Europe By John Stevens 27 May 2016

The massive EU operation to rescue migrants has effectively become a ferry service across the Mediterranean, it emerged yesterday.

Smugglers are setting off from the North African coast in boats with only enough fuel to get them into international waters.

They then telephone rescuers asking for help, knowing they will be picked up by EU ships that will take them the rest of the way to Italy.

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This was followed up on Monday by Navy warship on standby to patrol the English Channel: HMS Sutherland could be tasked with picking up migrants attempting to cross before dropping them in Britain By Larisa Brown 30 May 2016

A Royal Navy warship could be deployed to the English Channel to pick up migrants crossing the sea from France.

Navy sources have said it would take on a similar task to British ships currently in the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas…aerial surveillance of Britain’s shores was scrapped in January to save money.

Think this is just a silly Brit thing? Wrong! One Old Vet picked up on Tuesday ICE Spends Millions Flying Illegal Alien Children Across US

FOX NEWS — The Obama administration has spent at least $18.5 million to fly “unaccompanied children” caught crossing into the country illegally to locations inside the United States, according to newly obtained figures…

The numbers shed light on the extent of a program that has drawn scrutiny not just from lawmakers but the federal courts, amid concerns the U.S. government is effectively aiding smugglers.

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Also on Tuesday ZeroHedge posted a powerful annotation Not Just Trump: Immigrants Coming To The US Are Banking On A Catch & Release Program

As we reported last week, a looming Trump presidency has generated a surge in immigrants trying to cross the southern border of the United States.

From October 2015 to March of this year, the US Border Patrol apprehensions averaged 330 Central Americans a day, an increase of 100 percent over the same period a year earlier according to the Pew Research Center…

Border Patrol agents are becoming frustrated, and the root cause of the frustration is that there is a catch and release program taking place.

Union president Brandon Judd testified at a congressional hearing …

"What happens is if you are arrested in the United States and you ask for any sort of asylum, what we do is we will process you, and we will walk you right out our front door, give you a pat on the back and say, 'Welcome to the United States.' And they're good to go," .

The underlying story ZeroHedge draws on U.S.-Mexico Border Sees Resurgence Of Central Americans Seeking Asylum John Burnett WCQS May 31,2016 needs reading (if your blood pressure is under control):

…the parish hall of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in McAllen, Texas [is] full of young mothers and children who've been released by the U.S. Border Patrol. They get a shower, clean clothes, a hot meal and supplies…

Immigration officials don’t seem worried about a repeat of the humanitarian crisis on the border that made international news two years ago… Today, the government has new family holding facilities, and unaccompanied kids are sent to well-staffed church camps… The swelling numbers don’t seem to alarm the Homeland Security Department

The Obama Administration (with no opposition from the Congressional GOP) has, quite simply, implemented a No Borders Policy. So, in effect, has the EU, for somewhat different reasons.

It is Treason.

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