
Explaining Putin: Just Another Juiced Billionaire?

By John Derbyshire


An email from a Radio Derb listener, this one responding to my remarks about juiced-up billionaires.

Mr. Derbyshire: There has been much speculation in the media about Vladmir Putin’s mental state. Is he a deep and subtle chess player, or is he nuts? Perhaps you have hit on the answer. Perhaps he is neither thing, only juiced. He does, after all, enjoy all the other perks of a billionaire lifestyle.

Thank you, Sir. April 1st, however, I saw this story at the Daily Mail Online, headline: Putin "is constantly followed by thyroid cancer doctor": Specialist has "spent 282 days" with Russian President amid claims he is seriously ill and suffering "steroid rage" from treatment.

Does Putin have thyroid cancer!? Because that would explain his round (moon) face and roid rage. It would also explain his COVID19 paranoia, resulting in ginormous tables, which would also avoid showing up-close deterioration to people around him.https://t.co/bDPE3Gto9Y

— Nicole Minet (@mouvement33) April 1, 2022

So perhaps there you have the explanation for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. It was not anger at a possible further expansion of NATO, nor a move to secure a land route to the Crimea, nor an attempt to recreate the empire of the Tsars: it was 'roid rage.

Hey, that’s no less plausible than the stuff coming out of our think tanks.

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